Mid Wales Opera They/them

Organisation Workshops/tutoring available

Mid Wales Opera They/them

Organisation Workshops/tutoring available

Established professional opera company touring nationally


  • Community
  • Theatre and Performing Arts


  • North Powys
  • Newtown area


  • English
  • Welsh

About Mid Wales Opera

Mid Wales Opera has been working out of Powys for over 35 years and is a critically acclaimed touring opera company with a mission to build a passion for opera across Wales and beyond, offering paid opportunities to young artists working alongside experienced musicians.

We tour each autumn with SmallStages, a full-staged opera performance usually including a one-act opera, followed by a complementary concert on a similar theme. In addition we undertake education work, including week-long residencies and short ‘Introduction to opera’ workshops in primary schools. Our community engagement work includes work with young artists and amateur musicians to produce fully-staged opera through our OpenStages programme.

What's On

Feb 1 TO Jun 1
Feb 12

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