Copying service
If you need copies of documents from our archives for private research, you can order them from Powys Archives.

If you need copies of documents from our archives for private research, you can order them from Powys Archives. We may not be able to deal with large requests, so if you need a lot of documents, please contact us to find out if we can help.
Order copies
Complete the copying request form below .
You don’t need to send payment with the form as we’ll let you know how much you owe us before we send the copies to you.
You can pay by cash, cheque or via our online payments facility.
If you’d like to take photographs of documents in our searchroom, you need to buy a photography permit which will allow you to take photographs for private research.
You can pay by cash, cheque or via our online payments facility.
Please note photography is not permitted unless a permit has been purchased.
The photography permit DOES NOT allow you to reproduce, publish or exhibit digital photographs. If you wish to reproduce, publish or exhibit copies of any of our documents in any medium, please download the permission form below and send it to the Principal Lead Museums, Archives and Information Management. We will let you know if we can give you permission, and will tell you how much you need to pay.