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Research your family history using Powys’ libraries
Archives database
Search our archives database
Archives records
Use our records’ collections to support your research
Archives research service
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Ask a librarian
We can provide answers to any of your questions
Copying service
Order documents from our archives for private research
Local studies research service
Some of our libraries offer local studies research
National Library of Wales journals
Academic articles relating to the Powys area
Powys heritage online
A history of mid-Wales using photos, maps, documents and exhibits
Online research resources
Includes Access to Research, Open Learn and National Library of Wales
Access Google Docs
How to access Google Docs using Gmail
Access Microsoft Word
Access Microsoft Word online using Outlook
DigiTech Loans
iPads, Chromebooks, Digital Projectors and Webcams
iPad lending
Borrow an iPad from Powys libraries
WiFi printing
Learn about wireless printing in our libraries
Tools for life
Ask Sara
Impartial advice about equipment to help make daily living easier
Blood pressure monitors
Borrow a free blood pressure monitor from your local library
Driving theory test
Online practice for your driving test
Memory boxes
Use our memory boxes to help spark memories and conversations
Playlist for life
Using music to support people living with dementia