Book Launch at Ystradgynlais Library

Ystradgynlais Library was delighted to host an extra special book launch event on Tuesday, 13th June. “Five Hundred Words” is an anthology of short stories by Ystradgynlais Library Creative Writing Group, and is the Group’s first venture into print. At the launch, the writers read out their own contributions to the anthology to an enthusiastic audience in the library, and also to a virtual audience on Zoom, thanks to the library’s digital facilities. The readings were followed by refreshments and book signings, and a chance to talk to the authors about their work. 

The Writers Group has now been asked to present the anthology in September, at the Storytelling for Health and Well-being Symposium at the University of South Wales, so the library was pleased to have the first presentation. 

It was a special evening, and thanks go to all involved! 


Ready, set, read this summer!


Borrow a balance bike!