Archives: Terms of Deposit Policy
Powys County Archives Office accepts records in line with its Collection Policy, into its custody:
by gift or purchase where ownership passes to Powys County Council
by transfer from Powys County Council
on deposit for an indefinite period, where ownership of deposited records remains with the depositor.
Undertaking by the Archives:
The records will be stored in the same physically secure and, where possible, environmentally monitored conditions as other records held by Powys County Archives Office.
The records will be arranged and listed in accordance with our current practice; preparation of lists, indexes and other finding aids will be undertaken in accordance with programmes set by the Archives. A copy of the list will be supplied to the depositor.
Records will only be made available to searchers under supervision in the Archives Office searchroom.
Records which are too fragile or otherwise at risk of damage from handling will not be made available for use by the public.
Copies of individual documents will only be supplied to searchers provided that it is consistent with the safety of the records and in compliance with current copyright law.
Permission of the depositor will be sought for any publication of a substantial part of a document.
Records will only be loaned temporarily to another institution for purpose of display with the depositor's consent and provided the facilities conform to PD5454:2012.
Records deemed not to merit permanent preservation will be returned to the depositor or, with the consent of the depositor, destroyed.
Requests for the production of deposited records for declared use in legal proceedings will not be granted without the consent of the depositor, except where a court order is issued.
Details of private individuals, who are depositors, will only be disclosed to a third party with their permission, but such details may be held in the Archives in accordance with the terms of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
Undertaking by the Depositor:
The depositor is deemed to be entitled to deposit the records, either as owner or agent.
Notice will be supplied to the Archives of changes of address and other details affecting the ownership of the records. It shall be possible at any time to convert a deposit into a gift or bequest at the discretion of the depositor.
It is the responsibility of the depositor to inform their intended executors or other family members that they have deposited records with Powys Archives, and that in the event of death executors/family members should contact Powys Archives.
Reasonable notice will be given of the temporary withdrawal of any record, the withdrawal to be for an agreed period of time.
Deposited records, if permanently withdrawn, may incur a levy charged to defray the expenses of storage, listing and conservation.
The insurance of records, except in the case of exhibition by an external body, is the responsibility of the depositor.
For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018, the depositor will be deemed to be the Data Controller of any data contained in the records which fall within the terms of the regulations.
The depositor will allow:
any records deposited to be made available to searchers subject to statutory access restrictions or access restrictions agreed with the Principal Lead Museums, Archives and Information Management Services.
records to be marked with a reference code, for security and identification.
the conservation of the records, in accordance with the programmes which are set by the Archives.
records to be made available in the form of copies, made by any suitable method, such copies becoming the property of the Archives.
brief extracts of records to be published as transcripts or in facsimile form.
the Archives, to publicise its services and promote its collections, by reproducing records it holds in any medium, publishing finding aids in any available medium. And making them available in other locations outside the Archives.
the migration of data in electronic records to other formats.
Any variation from these terms is to be agreed with the Principal Lead Museums, Archives and Information Management Services at the time of deposit.